Robert Landsparger
I just finished a power-shell module to allow operator to do something like "Set-VRStationVolume -id 2 15" or "Set-VRStationVolume -all 20". decided the technical debt was worth the default volume of 100% when preview reel kicks in.
Madison Jackson
under review
Marie Lamouret
Alex Berg
An audio device switcher and a switch for the mirroring audio device for SteamVR would be great too. SteamVR tends to lose sound especially with the mirroring audio device with some games and needs switching the mirroring device back and forth. Should I post it as a separate request?
Christopher-Marcel Böddecker
Alex Berg: Please do!
Craig Carpenter
I assume you're wanting this for when a customer says that the game is too loud or too quiet and they want us to make the adjustment? If so, yeah, this would be nice so that we don't have to manually walk to that station's PC and adjust it.
Christopher-Marcel Böddecker
Craig Carpenter: Customers can do so themselves at any time by pressing the system button on the controller and adjusting using the audio volume slider we offer in our overlay, but we see the need for being able to adjust this in case they don't understand etc.
Deven North
Christopher-Marcel Böddecker: The main problem is, we still have to walk them through how to do it. Customers are very bad at solving their own problems. This is mostly due to a ton of information is thrown at them and it is difficult to remember everything.